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Lorena Ferrari8BIMlnsrrend8BIMlyid8BIMclbl8BIMinfx8BIMknko8BIMlspf8BIMlclr8BIMshmdH8BIMcust4metadata layerTimedoubAד*"i8BIMfxrp@tHHJ9-Cp18BIMnorm$4(Desnudo analgico frutal8BIMTySh"??@c@|02TxLrTxt TEXTDesnudo analgico frutal textGriddingenum textGriddingNoneOrntenumOrntHrznAntAenumAnntAnStboundsObjcboundsLeftUntF#Pntp3"Top UntF#Pnt-RghtUntF#Pnt?0BtomUntF#Pnt@P boundingBoxObjc boundingBoxLeftUntF#Pntp)Top UntF#Pnt(KRghtUntF#PntBtomUntF#Pnt@w TextIndexlong EngineDatatdta << /EngineDict << /Editor << /Text (Desnudo analgico frutal ) >> /ParagraphRun << /DefaultRunData << /ParagraphSheet << /DefaultStyleSheet 0 /Properties << >> >> /Adjustments << /Axis [ 1.0 0.0 1.0 ] /XY [ 0.0 0.0 ] >> >> /RunArray [ << /ParagraphSheet << /DefaultStyleSheet 0 /Properties << /Justification 1 /FirstLineIndent 0.0 /StartIndent 0.0 /EndIndent 0.0 /SpaceBefore 0.0 /SpaceAfter 0.0 /AutoHyphenate true /HyphenatedWordSize 6 /PreHyphen 2 /PostHyphen 2 /ConsecutiveHyphens 8 /Zone 36.0 /WordSpacing [ .8 1.0 1.33 ] 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/PointBase [ 0.0 0.0 ] /Base << /ShapeType 0 /TransformPoint0 [ 1.0 0.0 ] /TransformPoint1 [ 0.0 1.0 ] /TransformPoint2 [ 0.0 0.0 ] >> >> >> >> ] >> >> >> /ResourceDict << /KinsokuSet [ << /Name (PhotoshopKinsokuHard) /NoStart (00 00    0=]0 0 0 00000000A0C0E0G0I0c000000000000000000?!\)]},.:;!!  0) /NoEnd (  0;[00 0 00\([{ 0) /Keep (  %) /Hanging (00.,) >> << /Name (PhotoshopKinsokuSoft) /NoStart (00 0   0=]0 0 0 0000000) /NoEnd (  0;[00 0 00) /Keep (  %) /Hanging (00.,) >> ] /MojiKumiSet [ << /InternalName (Photoshop6MojiKumiSet1) >> << /InternalName (Photoshop6MojiKumiSet2) >> << /InternalName (Photoshop6MojiKumiSet3) >> << /InternalName (Photoshop6MojiKumiSet4) >> ] /TheNormalStyleSheet 0 /TheNormalParagraphSheet 0 /ParagraphSheetSet [ << /Name (Normal RGB) /DefaultStyleSheet 0 /Properties << /Justification 0 /FirstLineIndent 0.0 /StartIndent 0.0 /EndIndent 0.0 /SpaceBefore 0.0 /SpaceAfter 0.0 /AutoHyphenate true /HyphenatedWordSize 6 /PreHyphen 2 /PostHyphen 2 /ConsecutiveHyphens 8 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